GET /gm username,createdAt,isPremium,isVerified,isStaff


GET /gr m: max amount of recommended content [[ID,title,brief desc,Author,premium,color1,color2]] GET /grp m: max amount of recommended playlists [[ID,LocalID,Author]] GET /gpu m: max amount of popular uploads [[ID,title,brief desc,Author,premium,color1,color2]] GET /gpa m: max amount of popular artists [[name,followers,nickname]] GET /glu m: max amount of latest uploads [[ID,title,brief desc,Author,premium,color1,color2]] GET /s q: search query string m: max results of each type [[type,id,title,brief desc,author,premium,color1,color2]] GET /gpl u: user NAME [listID1,listID2...,isYours?] i: Public ID [localID,Author]


GET /ga i: content ID [user,verified,duration,timestamp,premium,title,brief description,featuring,UI color,background color,outline color,wave color,genre,explicit,description] GET /pl i: list ID u: user NAME [name,[icon?,PublicID?],[id1,id2...]] GET /gub u: user NAME [You?,Description,[title,link],...]


GET /pi i: playlist ID image GET /i i: upload ID 256x256 image GET /ii i: upload ID 512x512 image GET /p u: username profile image GET /b u: username banner image


GET /sa i: content ID mp3 file data